There are various"types"of socialism ranging from the most democratic to the most radical and authoritarian. They advocate for “privatizing” the TSA, social security, and the school system. But once we realize that there are more than one type of socialism, we realize that the GOP is equally guilty of socialism.

Some call the second one “State-capitalism,” but in my opinion, this only confuses things. Social ownership may refe Quick revise. Social ownership may refer to forms of public, collective or cooperative ownership, or to citizen ownership of equity. On the one hand, some of its followers tolerate capitalism, provided that the government maintains power and economic influence, but others are in favor of the abolition of private enterprise and total control by the government entity.

no child left behind, common core and the continuation of a program supported by Bill Clinton and devised by senator Barney Frank that REQUIRED banks make home loans to people without the need to provide proof that they could make their mortgage payments because "everyone should be able to own a home. The government controls everything including industries, media and even religion. But first he defines Capitalism and Socialism so as to better show what the so-called third way is aiming to be separate from. There is Social Democracy, Democratic Socialism, Single-Party Socialism, Market Socialism, Libertarian Socialism,(not like American Libertarianism) and many many more. But this is not necessarily true. Type one: authoritiarian socialism where socialism is imposed by the state, and type two: democratic socialism, where socialism is applied by a democratic majority vote. Types of socialism . Marxists don’t do things like that.

There are many many different types of Socialism. Think about the infamous bailout of the auto industry. We can call the first one “Marxism” or Communism.

Mises, in his critique of Interventionism, shows how, eventually, it would inevitably lead to socialism. There is Social Democracy, Democratic Socialism, Single-Party Socialism, Market Socialism, Libertarian Socialism,(not like American Libertarianism) and many many more. In this way, the interventionism of a hundred years ago has led, step by step, to our current calamity.Austro-Libertarian. But one thing is for sure, America is NOT becoming Socialist. Gerard Winstanley and the Levellers before they were destroyed by Cromwell believed in greater equality and the levelling of society. But one thing is for sure, America is NOT becoming Socialist. These two types of socialism are hardly understood today. Add to that a Fed that again in my humble opinion that just printed money, and a Democrat Socialist, Barack Obama with all hisadministration's confiscatory new rules on business, lead to the loss of many Jobs, and resulted on many more people on well fare.THAT is what A DEMOCRAT SOCIALIST government SHALL do to ANY Economy!What was it that Barack Obama said about the return of manufacturing jobs...."those jobs are NOT coming back, this is the NEW normal"Fast forward to today and look at what a country can do when you REMOVE those confiscatory government regulations and let the people and business entrepreneurs do what they do best!WE ARE A DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and so called "DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM' will can never work.And please don't insult my intelligence by referring back to Bill Clinton, because he was a moderate democrat and Republicans In form, even if not to the same extremes of German Nazism, the GOP is fascistic.The Republicans pretend they are capitalistic, but they are not.But are the Republicans right in calling Obama the “marxist-in-chief?”  It is true that the talking points taken up by Obama and his party are more Marxist in flavor, rather than the nationalism of the GOP. The GOP establishment not only supports unending military cronyism, monopoly central banking, farm and agriculture subsidies, but their solutions that they parade about as being “free-market” approaches are really nothing more than the second type of socialism. Interestingly, they also are fascistic, socialistic in the second sense of the word. Those right-wing people can be so closed minded.That being said. In such systems, the government has the central control over everything concerned with the state and individual opinions are never considered. I am a Investment Advisor at The Sullivan Group in Northern CA.I've had two close relatives test positive for it in the last couple of months, and a third who had symptoms and was ten… With YOUR support and financial assistance, I've completed two terms on the Libertarian Party's national Platform Commit… ... but today I had a fundraising email from him complaining about the Democratic base consisting of "coastal elites. Types of socialism include a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership and democratic control of the means of production and organizational self-management of enterprises as well as the political theories and movements associated with socialism. But in practice, is the Democratic Party communistic? Misesian Economics. It is most certainly not a single-payer system, which would be more communistic.

From green enterprise subsidies to banking industry support, Obama has presided over a remarkably crony corporatism. ©2020 TidyLife, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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